Every time I get shot
I think the worst part about being human is that you don't get to choose the life you live. It's your life, shouldn't you have any say in it, except that you really don't. I mean, most of the time. And still worse, you don't know what's going on inside your own body, what's crawling under your own skin, what's flowing into your own blood, what's happening to your DNA day in day out, whether your genes are still the way you got them from your mom dad or have they mutated to invite some unlikely guest. Isn't being a stranger to your own self an irony when you advocate the crowd out there? Think about it. Every Sunday as I walk through those white corridors and make my way towards OPD to get another shot, another chance at life or may be just a few more days of comfort, all these thoughts run through my mind. How I reduced to a pill-popping, sad-looking girl from being a chirpy, fun-loving girl? Why me? Everyone tells me to take it easy and be...